"Hi, I'm Nadia and I blog at Abso-knitting-lutely! I post about all things woolly and colourful. If you love reading about knitting, spinning and dyeing, then you should drop by my corner of the internet: every five days, you can read new posts about things I have been making, craft books I've read, and find knitting or crochet inspiration. I'd love to hear what you are making, so feel free to comment on posts. I look forward to meeting you."Nadia also has a shop which you can find here selling yarn and knitting accessories, including loads of super cute stitch markers.
"My name is Jenna. I'm always up for an adventure. I love to knit, cook, eat, drink tasty beer, and hang out with interesting people. Those who knit are infinitely more interesting to me than those who don't. The hardknitlife blog is about my adventures in knitting and life. I try to be honest about my personal knitting process and like to post on the blog as a way to connect with other people who work with fiber"Jennas blog is full of tasty looking yarns and the intricate projects that she is working on.
Noget Uldent
"Hi there, I’m Pia, a twenty something full theology student, with 2 part time jobs. Noget Uldent is where I share all about my life and struggles as an emerging knit wear designer, which is my 3rd part time job. When I began designing I looked in vain for blogs that shelled out the good, the bad and the ugly of the life of a designer. Now I pride myself on honestly sharing successes, trials and the lessons learned along the way. If I can help you not feel alone or get over a hurdle with a bit more grace then I’ll be elated, if I can only make you laugh at my misfortune, then I’ll take that too… I’m passionate about helping others by promoting them,Noget Uldent means Something Woolen, although Pias blog also includes other creations, including food how-tos.
Woollen Wilderness
"My name is Tahnée and I’m a passionate knitter from the Netherlands. I’ve dabbled in some knitting as a teenager but didn’t quite catch the knitting bug. Then when I went off to uni I really needed a better way to relax and get my thoughts off of studying. And ever since I’ve been quite addicted. At the beginning of this year I decided to expand my knitting world by starting a blog, Woollen Wilderness. I love blogging and the connection you create with the online knitting community is so rewarding and loving!"A great blog with lots of gorgeous projects, in particular I am a massive fan of Tahnées amazing socks!
I hope you enjoy looking at these pages as much as I do. Please share any other blogs you regularly read.